> Sunscreen And Your Morning Routine

Sunscreen And Your Morning Routine

Skin is necessary to slow down the signs of aging as your skin sheds skin cells throughout the day. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your skin glowing. As we age, our skin starts getting rather dull and loses its radiants over time. 

Taking some much-needed measures can negate the effects of aging by preventing acne, helping you look their best version, and treating wrinkles, which start appearing as early as 25 years old, which is why it is best to create skin care as early as possible. However, if you are older, it is never too late to start, but what is a skincare routine? 

What Is Meant By Skincare Routine?

The Idea of a Basic skincare routine is somewhat simplified than portrayed usually. It involves the usage of moisturizer, sunscreen, and cleansing of your skin. While you might not have time to follow the most elaborate skin care regimes, primary skin care is all we can make out in our day to routine, which entails more or less somewhat the same benefits as a regular skincare regime if done correctly with quality products.

There are two approaches to following screen Morning skincare routine and nighttime skincare routine. Even though dermatologists recommend following both practices simultaneously for glowing and radiant skin. In a practical world, it is rather hard to find time for one, let alone take care of both routines. 

The Importance Of Morning Skincare Routine 

Your face has to bear through so much during the day, including sun ultraviolet rays, heat, dirt, and pollution of the environment. It is essential to prepare yourself for what`s coming ahead, and this is when the morning skincare routine comes in. A morning skincare routine usually involves fewer processes and can act as a vital layer of protection between your skin and the pollutants from the environment.  

On the contrary, the negatives of skipping a morning skincare routine are. There are three reasons why a morning skincare routine is essential.

  • Cleans Skin of Impurities: Overnight, as mentioned earlier, our skin sheds dead skin cells and removes toxins and oils from our body that it has produced overnight. Cleansing your face warms up the skin and also prepares it for the products being applied after. 

  • Hydrating your skin: Moisturizer used in the morning skincare routine provides the much-needed dose to our dry skin, especially in colder climates. It provides an additional layer of protection against the impurities and pollutants present in the environment and softens up the skin while reducing wrinkles and other signs of aging.

  • Sun Screen: This might be the most critical aspect of the morning skincare routine and should never be skipped. Applying sunscreen to the ultraviolet rays from the sun can damage skin incredibly. It reduces your odds of developing skin cancer; in the meantime, its usages also help prevent early signs of aging.

What Are The Components OF All-Star Morning Screen Care Routine?

As long as you are cleansing, Putting on moisturizer and sunscreen are the essential tools of the morning skincare routine. It could be just enough to slow down signs of aging and protect you from outdoor pollutants. However, the particular skincare routine might not be able to fulfill your requirement of glowing and radiating skin. Nevertheless, if you feel like going the extra mile for your skin, here is an all-star morning skincare regime and the types of skin care products to invest in.

Before you start your morning skincare routine, it is imperative to realize the importance of using the products in the correct order, as mentioned below. Using the products in the wrong order might reduce the benefits derived from it. Even after sticking to the skincare routine for months, you will not be able to see any noticeable differences. The below-mentioned routine is only going to take 10-15 minutes out of your mornings with benefits to reap throughout the course of your lives.


We already know by now that cleanser opens the pores, cleans the dead cells generated overnight, and warms up the skin for the application of products, but what type of cleanser should you use? Regardless of the brand, you opt for. Choosing an effective cleanser is highly related to your skin type. In the instance you have oily skin, you are better off purchasing a water-based cleanser, whereas if you have dry skin an oil-based cleanser might be more beneficial for you.


The second step is an optional one. However, toners do bring some functionality to the morning skincare routine as they wipe off any last pieces of dirt, impurities, or dead skin cells remaining on the skin once you are done cleansing. If the toner becomes part of your daily skincare routine, you can expect the tightening of pores and might even start seeing positive signs of it on the appearance of the skin as they aid in restoring the original PH level of your skin and evens the skin tone while smoothing the rough skin patches.


The serum is an added accessory when it comes to essential skincare routines. Yet the dramatic effect it has on the skin can not be ignored. It provides an additional dose of hydration to the skin and entails multivitamins that are vital to your skin`s nourishment. VitaminC serums are great for improving skin tone and brightening the skin. At the same time, the other popular kind is referred to as hyaluronic acid serums which work when applied on damp skin. It hydrates and plumps the skin. The application process is fairly simple, pour two-three drops on the tips of your finger and gently dap on your skin. 

Pro Tip: You Can use an ice jade roller to spread the serum evenly across the face not only does it reduce the swelling. It stimulates the lymph nodes and drains fluids and toxins out of the face.

Be sure to let the serum absorb completely before you move on to the next step of the process.


Regardless of your skin type, apply moisturizer to your skin on a daily basis. It will help you maintain and replenish the softness of your skin while acting as the barrier between pollutants and your skin. Nonetheless, people with oily skin are better off using moisturizers that are gel based as these moisturizers usually have a lightweight formula. On the other hand, individuals with dry skin might benefit more from using cream-based moisturizers, as they will provide longer tenure of hydration throughout the day as opposed to the gel-based moisturizer.

Eye Cream:

The area around the eyes is the first place you will start noticing the signs of aging. Fine lines and small shallow wrinkles might become visible by the time you reach your thirties. Eye creams are specifically designed to negate those effects and keep the moisture locked in. Even though moisturizers do a great job of hydrating your skin, the sensitive region around the eyes needs a little more attention. Eye creams have a greater concentration that are significantly designed to target the small pores around the eye region. It combats puffiness, which results in brighter and more awakened eyes.

Facial Oil:

This in particular does not need to be a part of your skin regime if you have oily skin, as the facial oils are designed for people with dry skin. Our skin relies on oil to lock in the natural as well as the artificial dose of moisture provided by us from the products. In oily skins, this process occurs naturally for people with dry skin or people living in colder climates containing the skin oil becomes a challenging task. Facial oil provides an additional layer of fat and lipids to lock in the much-required moisture for your skin.


Sunscreen is definitely not optional and is by far the essential item on this list. While many find them asking the very question, "Is it really necessary to use sunscreen every day?" The simplified response Is "YES!". Sunscreens reduce the possibility of sunburn, prevent signs of aging, reduce your chances of skin cancer, reduce inflammation of the skin and protect your skin from discoloration. It is evident that the importance of good sunscreen can not be neglected.

However, Individuals are always concerned as to what type of sunscreen they should use, whether to use spray or lotion sunscreen. The answer is sticking to conventional lotion sunscreen. Not only do these types of sunscreen help in keeping your skin moisturized, but they also provide a more solid layer of protection against the ultraviolet sun rays. Whereas there are no effective means to measure how long the spray sunscreens stay on, with lotion sunscreen applying it every 4-5 hours does the job for you.

Regardless of which sunscreen option you opt for, skipping it is never the answer. When you head out to sunscreen, the SPF number is highly dependent on your daily exposure to the sun. But anything under SPF 30 is no good.